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2014 Update

It has been a whirl wind year for PSE, developing a market presence, making new contacts and identifying new clients and partners. We have attended many events on behalf of our clients including :

Component Obsolesence Group meetings in February and May

The UKEA / ESCO Anti Counterfeit Conference in February

Southern Manufacturing where the roof was damaged bu high winds at Farnborough

IMAPS technology conference near Abbingdon

NEW UK electronics at the NEC in April

ES Live at the Milton Keynes Bowl in May

The AVCOMM conference in June at Mercedes Benz World

MOD Anti Counterfeit Conference at Abbeywood Bristol

And in 2 weeks time CMSE Europe 2014

We have also been working hard fro our clients, developing new opportunties in targeted countries and have succesfully managed to grow our partners client base and market presenence at minimal cost.

Q4 of 2014 looks just as busy with the diary filling up with COG, Northern Manufacturing, Design Expo and Electronica in November............

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