French & German
You can gain a whole lot more enjoyment, and a whole lot more business, if you can engage with people in their own language, even if only on a basic or intermediate level.
Most people will appreciate your efforts and will generally be more helpful and polite.
You are less likely to be "ripped off" if you know your numbers!
It's amazing how much enjoyable conversation can be had if both parties have a try in each other's language.
It is estimated that one in five UK firms (21%) were concerned that weaknesses in foreign language proficiency was losing them business and half (52%) of those were looking to recruit staff with appropriate skills. (CBI/Pearson Survey 2012)
How we can help...
Business introductions and presentation skills.
Email and phone call etiquette.
Specific reading/listening practice: rail/flight announcements, menus, motorway signs etc.
Emergency situations: what to say/do/expect.
Asking for help/clarification/explanation.
Social conversation and small talk.
Suitable for Novices & Intermediate level - weekly tuition or short term coaching prior to a meeting / trip.
Training can be delivered face to face or online.
Lean and Six Sigma
Proof Reading.
Conflict Minerals.
Anti Counterfeit in the electronics supply chain.
Lean - Six Sigma
Helping organisation maximise the benefits of Lean & Six Sigma Best practice.
World Class Manufacturing introduction: Streamlined flow, Six Sigma lean and Kaizen, Right the first time, Cellular manufacturing, TPM, Quick changeover, Just-in-time, Variability reduction, High employee involvement, Statistical process control, Communication.
Performance Monitoring: Excellent quantitative and qualitative analytical skills. With particular attention to detail.
Operational Management: Practiced in developing the Strategic needs of the operations and following through to delivery. Communicating from Shop floor level to Director level.